Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hillsdale, Illinois 4:04 PM

Check out this thug with a badge in action:

This pig should be charged with felony assault and battery. You can see the cyclist trying to avoid Officer Porcine, who has to run the last few steps to attack him.


Boot him off of the force permanently, Mayor Bloomberg. This type of behavior doesn't belong in "public service"

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Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Percival, Iowa 11:40 PM

Well, it's about time:

The Death of Reaganomics

It's looooong past time this supply-side nonsense was pitched into it's rotting grave.

The neo-conservative mythology of tax cuts for the wealthy equalling prosperity for all and "free" trade benefiting the working class was proven to be precisely just that even before Ronnie himself assumed room temperature. Only the lying wingnut cheerleaders like Rush the Oxy-Moron and Bill Kristol have kept it alive since, along with the compliant corporate lap-dog media.

All I can say is "Good riddance."

Maybe now we can get back to the New Deal, or at least what's left of it, before the entire country goes down the crapper faster than a 7-11 burrito.

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Monday, July 14, 2008

Wamsutter, Wyoming 9:48 PM

A quick thought for the day from political humorist Will Durst:

"George W. Bush is kind of like a stripper with hairy legs...At first glance he seems kind of interesting, but even from way back in the bar it's quite apparent that something is horribly awry."

Only 189 more days.

Will we last that long?

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Lyman, Wyoming 9:57 PM

Just when I thought I couldn't be surprised by the irrational insanity of some people:

Crazy Cult Demands The Return Of Magic Cookie;
Student Threatened With Death.

And no, they're not "mooslims"..... they're far worse.

University professor P.Z. Myers (the linked blog's proprietor) sums it up perfectly:
"I find this all utterly unbelievable. It's like Dark Age superstition and malice, all thriving with the endorsement of secular institutions here in 21st century America. It is a culture of deluded lunatics calling the shots and making human beings dance to their mythical bunkum."

Unbelievable, indeed.

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Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Des Moines, Iowa 9:47 PM

From the Kreepy Krazy Khristian files:


Donald Wildmon and the rest of the knuckle-dragging mouth-breathers down at the AFA have thrown down the gauntlet (yet again) because Mickey D's has contributed $20k to the "Hommasexshul Agenda". (Actually to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce...)

Check it out:

{begin quote}

McDonalds Makes Jesus Cry
by Chris Kelly

Original here.

There are billions and billions of reasons to hate McDonald's. They took the McRib away, for one, and that burns. (Sometimes I almost wish I'd never loved it at all.) There's at least one good reason to like McDonald's: They're being boycotted by the American Family Association.

What did McDonald's do to cross the AFA, its president, Donald Wildmon, and -- by extension -- Jesus (R-Nz.)? They donated $20,000 to the National Gay and Lesbian Chamber of Commerce. McDonald's' revenue runs about five billion dollars a quarter, so you can see their profound commitment to destroying the family through sodomy.

The AFA says that by donating one thousandth of one percent of its 2007 earnings,

"McDonald's has chosen not to remain neutral but to give the full weight of their corporation to promoting the homosexual agenda."

Which seems like a kind of shrill definition of "full weight," but maybe it's like the Quarter Pounder®, and it's the weight before cooking that counts.

It feels a little like the American Family Association was looking for someone to boycott and it was just McDonald's' turn. They've already boycotted Sears, Kohl's, Kmart, Target, Old Navy and IKEA. As a result, they're naked and don't have anywhere to sit. The McDonald's boycott follows boycotts of Burger King, Carl's Jr., 7-11, Proctor & Gamble and Kraft, which means Donald Wildmon hasn't eaten anything for sale in America since the late '70s. You'd think he'd be dead, but no.

(He's a good guy. I'll bet he loads up on locusts, beetles and grasshoppers, like it says in Leviticus. The same book that -- there's no getting around it -- says homosexuality is an abomination, absolutely as heinous in G*d's eyes as strong drink.)

Does the AFA hate homosexuals? Absolutely not! It says so, right on their website, under the heading and sub-head: "Does AFA Hate Homosexuals? Absolutely Not!"

Should McDonald's take the boycott seriously? The customer is always right, I guess. (I think that's from Deuteronomy.) But McDonald's might want to think about the kind of customers they're losing. They appear to be lunatics.

Oh look, here are some of their thoughts:

"What next, Adam & Steve in the children's happy meals? i WILL not condone the Corp. of Mc Donalds to force me to shop where it is not in lign with my believe in God and HIS scripture..."
"I have stopped at my last McDonald. If you support homos, that is fine with me. I do not have to eat your burgers. Maybe there are enough homos around to keep your arches open."
"I suppose next the playground will be open for pedifiles in order to not offend them."
"You have joined God's list of enemies!"
"What's next? Support for the Man-Boy Love Association! This shall not stand!"
"The McFaddin Family will vote with our Money and Feet and take our business elsewhere! You can stuff your Happy Gay Meal and Happy Gay Agenda where the Sun don't Shine!"
"If the McDonald's heirarchy thinks we'll buy their burgers and support deranged homosexual activists who force their lifestyle on innocent children in the public schools, they had better think again. Their burgers now have a smelly odor to them."
"You advertise straight to children (Happy Meals). Can anyone say pederasty? This lifestyle' you embolden is really a deathstyle!"
"The only thing you'll be cooking is yourselves, for eternity."
"the next thing you know RONALD will be molesting our children. No big macks for this family."
"Are you also going to support open activity between man and beast? You are helping to open the door to bestiality, sex with children, plural homosexual marriages and the list goes on!"
"Dear, McDonald's. Last week I ate a cheeseburger at your restaurant. If I would've known it was created by gay loving hands, I wouldn't have purchased it. Don't you guys know gays were behind the holocaust? First Jews, and now the family. What is next, McDonald's? Are you going to help gays eradicate sand? WHAT WILL WE DO WITHOUT SAND!?!?"
"I recently saw two young teenagers making out. I figure McDonalds is no longer my kind of place. I think the sixteen year old worked there."
I just had a thought -- honest to God, I swear this wasn't where I was heading with this thing; I was just going to make a lot of snotty remarks about reductio ad absurdum and the McFaddin Family's feet -- but it occurs to me that McDonald's has done something brilliant:

They've deliberately offended a demographic they don't want.

For just $20,000, they've chased off all the crazy people who hang around McDonald's sputtering and ranting and making me not want to eat there.

It's genius.

Now, if they'd just bring back the McRib.

{end quote}

Think I'll stop in for a Big Mac... ;-)

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Monday, July 07, 2008

There's an ironic lesson in here somewhere:

Libertarian Legacy? Ron Paul's Campaign Manager, 49, Dies Uninsured, Of Pneumonia, Leaving family $400,000 Debt

by Rob Kall

Originally posted here.

{Begin Quoted material}

"What a testament to the Libertarian creed, which abhors the idea of universal health care. This loyal, passionate man who died too young left his family a debt of $400,000 in medical bills. And who knows whether he put off getting treatment for the pneumonia that killed him because he was uninsured.

Kent Snyder did some amazing work on the Ron Paul Campaign and as remembered as a "libertarian giant"- by Lew Rockwell, on libertarian site, Lew Rockwell.com.

The Wall Street journal reports that Kent, more than anyone else, persuaded Ron Paul to run for president. And Kent, according the the WSJ said, "ultimately became a $35 million operation with 250 employees that helped deliver more than one million votes for the Texas congressman's bid in the Republican nominating contest."-

Ron Paul posted this message about Snyder on his website: ""Like so many in our movement, Kent sacrificed much for the cause of liberty, Kent poured every ounce of his being into our fight for freedom. He will always hold a place in my heart and in the hearts of my family."

Sadly, the Libertarian heart apparently does not include health care. The poor guy raised tens of millions of dollars and couldn't afford the $300-$600 a month that COBRA medical insurance would have cost.

Paul has some good idea-- get out of Iraq, get the US out of a lot of other countries. But his opposition to government, to universal health care""these ideas just don't work and his campaign manager's death makes a tragic example of it.

A website has been created to help raise the $400,000 to pay the medical bills."

{end quoted material}

That last line is the clincher, isn't it...

Looks like a "socialist" solution is needed to fix a problem created by Libertarianism / "Free-market" Capitalism once again.

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Thursday, July 03, 2008

Warrenton, Missouri 12:31 AM

While checking the news and weather I came across a brilliant little piece by satirist Scott Bateman on Salon.com. The Audio track comes from a 1950's-era propaganda film aimed at keeping 'Murica's youth free from the Communist threat.

The visuals, however are Bateman's usual comic genius.

Listening to it is really squirm-inducing. I can almost see the red-blooded, all-American, dutiful little crewcuts gathered 'round the speaker...it's quite odd that the original producers of this tripe didn't see the irony in their own words.

It's pure, unadulterated McCarthyite paranoia at it's finest.


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Tuesday, July 01, 2008

Montgomery, Alabama 5:22 PM

Here I sit at the Flying J south of Montgomery....

I don't reload up in Birmingham until 2:30 tomorrow morning, so I'm killing time on the tubes.

It's been interesting to note that the Corporate Media has completely ignored the story of McCain being a tax deadbeat.

"...Newsweek is set to publish a highly embarrassing report on Sen. John McCain, revealing that the McCains have failed to pay taxes on their beach-front condo in La Jolla, California, for the last four years and are currently in default, The Huffington Post has learned.

Under California law, once a residential property is in default for five years, it can be sold at a tax sale to recover the unpaid taxes for the taxpayers.

The McCains own at least seven homes through a variety of trusts and corporations controlled by Cindy McCain."

So much for the "liberal" media charge (it was always BS anyway...only those brainwashed by chattering talk-radio gasbags or John Birch Society propaganda would ever believe such twaddle.) If anything, the media is moderately Conservative, except for Fox News; it's pure GOP talking points and right-wing propaganda 24/7.

And SEVEN homes??!?

Boy what a "regular" guy that McCain is....a real everyman, to be sure.

And now something else to think about:

The nations in black are labeled "endemic surveillance societies" in the legend at the right.

Nice...We're in the same league with China, and the old Soviet Union. Uncle Joe and Mao would be surprised.

Or maybe not...

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